How to Change socialSignInKey and paymentUpdateKey, Any texts here should be okey. Exmp: “Prohandy”, “Xgenious” Provider.
Make sure to use same text for
mobile code “socialSignInKey” and web code “secret_key”
mobile code “paymentUpdateKey” and web code “secretKey”
1. Backend Changes
• For socialSignInKey:

Update it in core\app\Http\Controllers\Api\ApiSocialLoginController.php
$secret_key = 'your_new_social_sign_in_key';
• For paymentUpdateKey:

Update it in core\app\Http\Controllers\Api\Orders\OrderController.php
$secretKey = 'your_new_payment_update_key';
• Save and restart the backend server.
2. Flutter Changes

• Open lib/customization.dart and update:
String socialSignInKey = 'your_new_social_sign_in_key';
String paymentUpdateKey = 'your_new_payment_update_key';
• Run:
flutter clean && flutter pub get && flutter run
• Uninstall old app and rebuild if needed.
You’re done! 🚀