Update Process

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Update Process

Update Process

Step 01:

Login to your cpanel or any panel you have, go to file manager and go to the folder where you install the script.

Step 02:

now create a folder name update

create a folder named update

Step 03:

upload nexelit update file you will get it from codecanyon.

upload update file to update folder.

in your download folder you will find a folder name is update, inside this folder you will find a zip file, upload this file server inside update folder

extract update zip file to update folder

Step 04:

skip this step if you does not have any extra update folder inside update folder

move all file from update folder of inside update folder.

Step 05:

now go to your domain.com/update url and hit enter to see update wizard, update wizard will be like below picture.

nexelit update wizard page

Step 06:

click on “i agree next step” and then see all permission is ok or not. if all are green check mark click on “next” button.

Step 07:

now you will find option to put your database host name, username and password.

put your database details for update the script

Step 08: click on “check” database connection button, if you all database info is correct you will see option to update file as like below.

if you database info is wrong, or password filed is empty (by default all field should have been filed automatically).

if it happened with you check your script database details from “@core>.env” file.

Step 09:

click on all update file one by one

update all module

if all of update success you will see update success with green color as like below.

if file update done you will see this screen

Step 10:

congrats!! you update process is done, now you need to delete update folder and visit you site.

Do not forget to upgrade your website database from “general settings>Upgrade database”

Do not forget to clear your website cache from “general settings>cache settings”

Enjoy Thanks for reading this article

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