Welcome to Nexelit – Multipurpose Website CMS Changes log. you will find all the details of the script regarding update, what we have fixed or what features we have added.
Version: 3.8.0
Date: July 7th, 2024
[improvement] Upgrade Laravel Version to 10
[improvement] Upgrade installer
[added] Senangpay payment gateway added
[added] Iyzipay payment gateway added
[added] Awdpay payment gateway added
[added] webp upload support added
[fixed] home 21 footer styling issue
[fixed] menu transparent issue
[fixed] some css issue and appointment category id null issue fixed
[fixed] Mobile device menu collapse issue fixed
[fixed] shop page product max price showing wrong value fixed
[fixed] Product review enable/disable not working issue fixed
[fixed] text editor addon font bold not working issue fixed
[fixed] appointment time showing invalid time even after settig up in admin panel individual time, issue fixed
Version: 3.7.0
Date: March 27th, 2024
[fixed] appointment module, zero price will not show
[fixed] appointment edit not showing meta data issue solved
[fixed] appointment booking showing draft time as well issue fixed
[fixed] shipping add/edit issue solved
[fixed] rss feed issue fixed
[fixed] footer text color overwrite issue fixed
[fixed] mobile device banner responsive issue fixed
[fixed] authorname undefined variable in spatie package fix
Version: 3.6.0
Date: February 11th, 2024
[fixed] paypal payment gateway issue resolved
[fixed] fixed navbar bg color issue and rtl minor issue
[fixed] maintainance mode not working for dynamic pages issue solved
[fixed] appointment mail not working when appointment price is zero
[fixed] about page navbar color issue fixed
Version: 3.5.3
Date: November 21th, 2023
[fixed] background banner image are hidden by navber issue fixed
[fixed] navbar toggle issue fixed
[fixed] Knowledgebase page settings not working properly issue fixed
[fixed] jquery not working in installition widget issue fixed
Version: 3.5.2
Date: November 18th, 2023
[added] decimal number enable/disable option added
[added] Notify via email when admin add new user
[fixed] course certificate not working issue in user panel fixed
[fixed] payment gateway credentials paypal issue solved
[fixed] iframe issue resolved
[fixed] quick view > add to cart not work fixed ecommerce at product masonry 01
[fixed] multiple add to cart not work fixed ecommerce at product masonry 01
Version: 3.5.1
Date: 19th July 2023
[fixed] when buy product, Toyyibpay or all payment 500 error
[fixed] Advertisement addon solved property attempt error
[fixed] Advertisement addon solved property attempt error new
[fixed] admin sidebar smooth scrolling issue fixed
[fixed] frontend service categoris_id Attempt issue fixed
[fixed] cart summery , calculation issue fixed
[fixed] course instructor id null check
[fixed] recent jobs widget issue fixed
[fixed] advertisement 500 error issue solved in newspaper home page variants
[fixed] removed static google tag manager and twakto api.
[fixed] footer widget margin top issue solved
[fixed] 500 error in admin dashboard for event cost calculation issue fixed
[fixed] fixed recentblogpost widget sorting issue
[fixed] third party API script before head end data not showing frontend home page.
[added] upgrade jquery, jquery migrate to latest version
Version: 3.5.0
Date: 24th May 2023
added support for automatic update
fixed donation manual payment 404 error page
update Laravel security release
minor bug fixed
Version: 3.4.1
Date: 8th March 2023
[fixed] service page bug fixed
Version: 3.4.0
Date: 12 January 2023
[added] Update laravel version 8.x to 9.x
[added] added 3 new payment gateway Toyyibpay, Pagalipay, Authorizenet
[added] upgrade payment gateway packages to latest versions
[fixed] slug generate issue fixed in page, services, blogs etc
Version: 3.3.1
Date: 11 September 2022
[fixed] case study page error fixed
[fixed] translation page new string adding option error fixed
[added] download widget added for widget area
Version: 3.3.0
Date: 06 August 2022
[added] upgrade laravel version 7 to 8.
[added] added 9 new payment gateway. payfast,cashfree,midtrans,mercadopago,instamojo,bank transfer, zitopay, cinetpay, squareup.
[added] new eCommerce home page added
[added] Wishlist support added
[added] quick view support added
[added] news & magazine home page adde
[added] google adsense support added
[added] breaking new support added
[added] instagram feed support added
[added] new agency home page added
[added] sidebar menu system added
[fixed] minor bug fixed
[fixed] google recaptcha issue fixed
Version: 3.1.4
Date: 14 June 2022
[added] a new page builder widget added for add Raw Html, you add any code with this code will not sanitise by the system.
[added] google recaptcha enable/disable option
[added] upgrade language translator system to Xgenious latest version.
[fixed] license showing error 500 issue
[fixed] menu mobile device issue fixed
Version: 3.1.3
Date: 08 January 2022
version: 3.1.3
[fixed] Email Template admin password change not working issue
[fixed] navbar 06 quote button issue fixed
[fixed] search icon show/hide not working issue solved
[fixed] google recaptcha issue solved in register page
[added] redesign gdpr cookie
[added] add manage option in gdpr cookie, now you can explain which data you collect from user via this manage option.
Version: 3.1.2
Date: 14 November 2021
version: 3.1.2
[fixed] add to cart issue from product single page, if you add same item multiple time has 500 error in cart / product single page, this issue is solved
[added] now you can also make free appointment booking
Version: 3.1.1
Date: 11 November 2021
version: 3.1.1
[fixed] after update getting 500error issue solved
[fixed] image upload not working properly issue solved
Version: 3.1.0
Date: 10 November 2021
version: 3.1.0
[added] optimise form builder validation code
[added] added option to manage breadcrumb are padding
[added] without fee job application not submit showing error
[added] add option to show/hide search navbar search icon
[added] added og meta image support for all pages
[added] added subcategory support for products
[added] added canonical url support
[added] added certificate support for course module
[added] added jpg,jpeg,png,gif,pdf,doc,docx,txt,svg,zip,csv,xlsx,xlsm,xlsb,xltx,pptx,pptm,ppt file type support in media library.
[added] increase file upload size to 200MB
[added] update media library delete popover to sweet alert
[added] product variants price system added.
[added] added support for product variant in admin panel order.
[added] added support for multiple type of digital downloadable product file
[added] now admin can decide where he allow user to direct download or not, but in this case the product must be set price to 0[means free product] . ( without login )
[added] TextEditor widget for widget areas with multilangual support
[added] automated slug generator for existing module
[added] now you will see preview image when you hove over any page builder addon / widgets
[added] option to change email template of user verify mail content
[added] option to change newsletter verify mail content
[fixed] course module 404 error solve if does not have data for new languages
[fixed] remove slug from language dropdown
[fixed] support ticket username not showing properly
[fixed] sitemap delete not working issue solved
[fixed] fixed widget builder new widget data not saving issue
[fixed] image gallery widget issue solved
[fixed] all other blogs showing at related blogs section, however their status is set to draft
[fixed] process area 2 addon showing same subtitle and title same in frontend
[fixed] make all status text translate able
[fixed] price plan 02 page builder widget background image option added, title /description color option is also added.
Version: 3.0.2 ( bug fix release)
Date: 01 October 2021
version: 3.0.2
[fixed] navbar icon not showing in inner pages on mobile devices
[fixed] navbar item not showing in mobile devices
[resolved] resolved few user facing issue by not able to delete item, because of bootstrap popover, we have change bootstrap popover to sweet alert to fix the issue.
[fixed] admin panel dark mode few content not showing issue solved
Version: 3.0.1 ( bug fix release)
Date: 17 September 2021
version: 3.0.1
[fixed] dynamic page builder content showing same content issue fixed.
[fixed] added missing file for update module for custom form builder
[fixed] widget not saving in widget area
Version: 3.0.0
Date: 12 September 2021
Version: 3.0.0
[fixed] meta title not showing in few page
[fixed] meta description not showing in few page
[fixed] og meta data not showing in few page
[fixed] event booking form max ticket input issue solved
[fixed] appointment data missing issue
[fixed] course module 500error
[fixed] instructor error 500 issue
[fixed] free course enrollment issue solved.
[fixed] cash on delivery payment gateway showing even after disabled it from admin panel
[resolved] now after login user will be redirect directly to their dashboard no need to click on dashboard button for it.
[resolved] add exception handling on all mailing function, from now on you will not see 500 error for page mail setup issue, instead you will see error of your smtp.
[resolved] showing live chat only on home page
[resolved] showing popup only on home page
[resolved] showing gdpr cookie only on home page
[resolved] image regenerate showing 500 error
[resolved] change order view from modal to separate page in admin panel with more details
[resolved] added option to select product variant along with quantity from admin panel create order
[resolved] make billing info dynamic in admin panel order create, now billing info will be updated automatically one user is selected
[resolved] added missing readmore text change option in industry home page
[added] page builder module added
[added] extend widget builder module
[added] extend google analytics code option, now user need to enter full tracking code
[added] added option to add third party script after <body> tag
[added] showing 404 page not found if any item deleted.
[added] added code editor in third party script fields
[added] navbar settings added
[added] added product variant support for product module, now user can add as many as variant they want with unlimited terms
[added] if any product has variant then user must have to select variant before make add to card from product single page
[added] now admin can set navbar style for complete website not only for home page
[added] added color changing option for navbar
[added] added color changing option for footer
[added] added color changing option for breadcrumb area
[added] add option for enable/disable google reacaptcha v3 api key
[added] added sorting option for megamenu
[added] added sorted by option for megamenu
[added] added option for show/hide by category title
[added] added support for doc,docx,jpg,jpeg,png,mp3,mp4,pdf,txt,zip file in digital product selling option
[added] added option attach file in course leeson, it support jpg,jpeg,png,pdf,doc,docx,txt,zip file are format, maximum 20mb file is allowed
[added] added ticket pdf download system in event ticket selling user can download event ticket from their dashboard, it contain a qr code with all info.
[added] added support ticket department option, from now on when anyone open a ticket they must have to select departments for the ticket.
[added] add support of variant in admin panel product order
[added] add support or quantity in admin panel order
[added] facebook and google login system added , now user can easily login to the website using their google or facebook account
[added] make option to add countdown for maintains page
[added] optimise image upload module to make it more efficient and load more faster, now by default it will load only 20image then whenever you slick on load more it will load another 20image
[added] video gallery adde, also video gallery page settings added with slug and meta data add option
Version: 2.4.4 [bug fix release]
Date: 05 Juny 2021
Version: 2.4.4
support ticket dark mode css issue fixed
register page placeholder brake issue resolved
menu builder code optimise
all dropdown showing same name issue resolved
set max width for logo in email template
Version: 2.4.3 [bug fix release]
Date: 26 June 2021
Version: 2.4.3
maintain mode issue fixed
admin panel minor css fix
course lesson not saving issue solved.
language not translated issue in admin panel solved
optimise query for improve performance.
Version: 2.4.2 [bug fix release]
Date: 22 June 2021
Version: 2.4.2
fix course new language data not saving issue
make lesson toggleable
fix minor responsive issue.
Version: 2.4.1 [bug fix release]
Date: 19 June 2021
Version: 2.4.1
fix all bug raised after update v2.4
Version: 2.4
Date: 13 June 2021
Version: 2.4
Course selling module added with new course selling home page design
Appointment booking system added
Support Ticket Module added
upgrade all payment gateway to latest api
upgrade flutter wave rave to latest api
improve user role permission codebase
optimise middleware
optimise routes
optimise query to make the script faster than earlier
newsletter confirmation email sending option added
now you can make sure subscribe user is verified or not
have option to send verify mail from admin panel
after verify email user will see a thank you page
added all colour settings in a separate settings page
added option to set visibility to created page by admin
admin can set his created page show only for logged in user or for anyone
add option to sell product to registered user only
add option to show/hide product price for registered user only
added option to enable/disable guest checkout product module
added option to enable/disable guest checkout package selling module
added option to enable/disable guest checkout events module
added option to enable/disable guest checkout jobs module
added option to enable/disable guest checkout appointment module
added option to edit email templates
added support to remove selected image
case study gallery not working issue fixed
maintains mode newsletter issue fixed
new translate string add not working issue fixed
job context showing html markup issue solved
job payment gateway issue solved
change KES currency symbol k TO Ksh
page meta title issue solved for all pages
adding profile image not change issue solved
email template settings image not uploading issue solved
admin panel rtf issue solved
admin panel responsive issue solved
Version: 2.3
Date: 16 February 2021
Version: 2.3
added construction home page design
added creative agency home page design
added logistic home page design
optimise css code for frontend
optimize js code for frontend
optimise website speed
optimise script query
fix maintain mode bug
now what every url anyone try to access in maintain mode will not work, it will redirect them to 404 page if they his any other url
maintains mode newsletter submit issue solved
solved manual payment gateway transaction id field not showing if manual payment is default gateway
added rtl support for all new 03 home pages
add comma in all amount of script
optimise all frontend carousel for load them faster
now also you can use only 1 slider item if you want to use static header
added a separate page for media images
now you can check all of your media image in one page in admin panel
added option to add alt tag in images
Version: 2.2
Date: 14 January 2021
Version: 2.2
added google captcha support for user registration
fix payment success id shown publicly issue
stripe payment gateway upgraded to 3d secure system
paypal api change to app based api credentials
paytm payment gateway issue solved
rearrange admin panel menu to make it more easy for user to find all the menus
redesign admin dashboard home page
now admin dashboard is more clean and modern also user friendly
added portfolio home page variant
added logistic home page variant
fix typography admin page issue
resolved minor styling issue
resolved responsive mobile menu issue
Version: 2.1
Date: 19 December 2020
Version 2.1
service price plan bug fix
minor styling fix
Version: 2.0
Date: 13 December 2020
Version 2.0
added a lot of new currency supported by all integrated payment gateway
['USD' => '$', 'EUR' => '€', 'INR' => '₹', 'IDR' => 'Rp', 'AUD' => 'A$', 'SGD' => 'S$', 'JPY' => '¥', 'GBP' => '£', 'MYR' => 'RM', 'PHP' => '₱', 'THB' => '฿', 'KRW' => '₩', 'NGN' => '₦', 'GHS' => 'GH₵', 'BRL' => 'R$','BIF' => 'FBu', 'CAD' => 'C$', 'CDF' => 'FC', 'CVE' => 'Esc', 'GHP' => 'GH₵', 'GMD' => 'D', 'GNF' => 'FG', 'KES' => 'K', 'LRD' => 'L$', 'MWK' => 'MK', 'MZN' => 'MT', 'RWF' => 'R₣', 'SLL' => 'Le', 'STD' => 'Db', 'TZS' => 'TSh', 'UGX' => 'USh', 'XAF' => 'FCFA', 'XOF' => 'CFA', 'ZMK' => 'ZK', 'ZMW' => 'ZK', 'ZWD' => 'Z$', 'AED' => 'د.إ', 'AFN' => '؋', 'ALL' => 'L', 'AMD' => '֏', 'ANG' => 'NAf', 'AOA' => 'Kz', 'ARS' => '$', 'AWG' => 'ƒ', 'AZN' => '₼', 'BAM' => 'KM', 'BBD' => 'Bds$', 'BDT' => '৳', 'BGN' => 'Лв', 'BMD' => '$', 'BND' => 'B$', 'BOB' => 'Bs', 'BSD' => 'B$', 'BWP' => 'P', 'BZD' => '$', 'CHF' => 'CHf', 'CNY' => '¥', 'CLP' => '$', 'COP' => '$', 'CRC' => '₡', 'CZK' => 'Kč', 'DJF' => 'Fdj', 'DKK' => 'Kr', 'DOP' => 'RD$', 'DZD' => 'دج', 'EGP' => 'E£', 'ETB' => 'ብር', 'FJD' => 'FJ$', 'FKP' => '£', 'GEL' => 'ლ', 'GIP' => '£', 'GTQ' => 'Q', 'GYD' => 'G$', 'HKD' => 'HK$', 'HNL' => 'L', 'HRK' => 'kn', 'HTG' => 'G', 'HUF' => 'Ft', 'ILS' => '₪', 'ISK' => 'kr', 'JMD' => '$', 'KGS' => 'Лв', 'KHR' => '៛', 'KMF' => 'CF', 'KYD' => '$', 'KZT' => '₸', 'LAK' => '₭', 'LBP' => 'ل.ل.', 'LKR' => 'ரூ', 'LSL' => 'L','MAD' => 'MAD', 'MDL' => 'L', 'MGA' => 'Ar', 'MKD' => 'Ден', 'MMK' => 'K', 'MNT' => '₮', 'MOP' => 'MOP$', 'MRO' => 'MRU', 'MUR' => '₨', 'MVR' => 'Rf', 'MXN' => 'Mex$', 'NAD' => 'N$', 'NIO' => 'C$', 'NOK' => 'kr', 'NPR' => 'रू', 'NZD' => '$', 'PAB' => 'B/.', 'PEN' => 'S/', 'PGK' => 'K', 'PKR' => '₨', 'PLN' => 'zł', 'PYG' => '₲', 'QAR' => 'QR', 'RON' => 'lei', 'RSD' => 'din', 'RUB' => '₽', 'SAR' => 'SR', 'SBD' => 'Si$', 'SCR' => 'SR', 'SEK' => 'kr', 'SHP' => '£', 'SOS' => 'Sh.so.', 'SRD' => '$', 'SZL' => 'E', 'TJS' => 'ЅM', 'TRY' => '₺', 'TTD' => 'TT$', 'TWD' => 'NT$', 'UAH' => '₴', 'UYU' => '$U', 'UZS' => 'so\'m', 'VND' => '₫', 'VUV' => 'VT', 'WST' => 'WS$', 'XCD' => '$', 'XPF' => '₣', 'YER' => '﷼', 'ZAR' => 'R']
added option to set currency symbol right or left
now if you currency is not supported by any payment gateway, it will convert your currency USD or payment gateway supported currency according to your given currency conversation value.
price plan module update
redesign price plan order success page, now make it more user friendly
redesign price plan mail template, also make it more meaningful mail content
resolve price plan gateway currency conversation issue
add option to rend reminder mail to customer ( available this only for registered user )
event module update
resolved currency conversation issue
redesign event order success page
redesign event email template
added countdown for event single page
add option to rend reminder mail to customer ( available this only for registered user )
donation module update
resolved currency conversation issue
redesign donation email template
added last first donation list in donation case page
redesign donation success page
add option to rend reminder mail to customer ( available this only for registered user )
product module update
resolved currency conversation issue
now cart will show how much quantity in cart not item
now tax option is added
there are two kind of tax option
one is exclusive another one in incentive
you have option to chose those from admin panel
added tax info in checkout page
added tax info in invoice
added tax info in email template
redesign email tempalte
redesign product order success page
added option to show/hide related products
now you can change order status from admin panel, also when you change order status user will be notified by mail
added option to send order reminder mail from admin panel
now additional info tab will be hidden if you did not put any data for it
also added option to enable/disable review from admin panel
job module update
add summernote support to all description field
add option to add fees in job post
added option for get paid from job application
you can post job with or without application fees
also you have details of payment in admin panel
redesign application with payment and without payment email template
added job payment success page
added job payment cancel page
added option to view job applicant details from admin panel
added option to send mail to applicant
user manage update
now highlight email verified user by green checkmark
add option to reset verify mail,
added option to bulk delete
now you can enable/disable email verify for any user
user dashboard update
resolve email verify not working
added option to enable disable email verification from admin panel
add option to cancel package order if payment is not completed
added option to cancel event booking if payment is not completed
added option to cancel donation if payment is not completed
added option to cancel product order if payment is not completed
added option to view product order details
image gallery update
added category support to image gallery
image gallery is also now multilangual
added option put how much item you want to show in image gallery page
also added option to set image order and order by.
added filter option in frontend
general improvement
add option to enable/disable admin panel navbar sticky
addd option to enable/disable frontend navbar sticky
home page blog category issue resolved
responsive menu issue resolved
gallery edit not work resolved
event meta tag and event meta description not saving issue resolved
event venue phone number not saving issue resolved
mobile cart is not working issue resolved
service category not showing issue in admin panel resolved
add option to services to attach price plan with it, so that user can easily found their plan
product view modal invoice button not working resolved
added option to force enable ssl from admin panel
now case study will remember your content if you miss only one field in validation
added option to clone only language data with adding new languages
remove delete button from default language button so that no one can able to delete it accidentally.
add option to set target for custom link menu item.
job applicant file now downloading and able to open it issue is resolved now.
resolve product category not showing in admin panel.
Website translation update
now you can also change admin panel language , actually it will reflect the if you change website language,
also admin panel is now support rtl
also added all the translated string in edit words settings, if anything mission you can add those manually from edit words settings
improve update module, now you can update the script more easily
Version: 1.9
Date: 25 August 2020
Version 1.9
new blog adding issue solved
og meta issue solved
improve update module
Version: 1.8
Date: 24 August 2020
Version 1.8
no whenever you work on a module the menu will be comes at top position so that you don't need to scroll it everytime
added option to enable/disable preloader
now you can enable/disable backend preloader also
added option to generate report ( donation/event/product )
added input type date in form builder
now it products filter option at the bottom of the product page in mobile devices
now add to cart icon will also show in mobile device
Where you logged in as a admin frontend maintain mode should not work for you
enable /disable user email verify option
Maintain mode only for visitor not for admin
added manual order option to services
added option to show service category or services
user dashboard responsive issue solved
added option to add image icon or icon in service category
added option to add image icon or icon in service
og meta details option added in general settings > basic settings
added option to update cash on delivery payment status
added please wait notice no payment gateway, so that user does not click twice on payment button
menu errors resolved
minor issue sloved
Version: 1.7
Date: 13 August 2020
Version 1.7
gdpr cooke issue resolved
now user can only use one email for multiple register
donation single page setting saved solved
dynamic css not working issue solved
donation single page custom amount select not working solved
server & case study query google captcha dependency removed
added version at the footer of admin panel
Version: 1.6
Date: 12 August 2020
Version 1.6
all popup delete issue resolved
user mail verify code issue resolved
user dashboard edit profile issue resolved
menu language not change issue resolved
website white screen issue resolved
all issue is resolved
improve breadcrumb option for make it more user friendly
added option to change donation default amount
resolved mailing spam issue.
now admin will only notify when a order placed with payment.
added summernote support to faq
added option to enable/disable preloader
add a new page to show donor list
added option to enable/disable module
now you can enable/disable product module
now you can enable/disable events module
now you can enable/disable donation module
now you can enable/disable knowledgebase module
popup issue resolved
now if user close this popup it will not show till next 24hr
added more currency for the cms
Version: 1.5
Date: 05 August 2020
Version 1.5
bug fix release
website white screen issue resolved.
Version: 1.4
Date: 04 August 2020
Version 1.4
manual payment issue resolved
mollie payment gateway added
flutterwave payment gateway added
minor styling issue resolved
dynamic menu issue resolved
summernote editor added at manual payment gateway
Version: 1.3
Date: 04 August 2020
Version 1.3
paytm payment issue resolved
popup builder error solved
Version: 1.2
Date: 01 August 2020
Version 1.2
Prevent saving data issue resolvd.
Version: 1.0
Date: 31 July 2020
Version 1.1
Popup Modal Mobile Responsive issue resolved.