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  3. Buxkit
  4. Payment Gateway Settings
  5. Mollie


if you want to use Mollie in your cms, you have to setup your Mollie gateway settings. Go to “General settings>Payment Gateway Settings > Mollie settings”.

to get you Mollie api keys, loging to your Mollie account, go to Developers > api keys

Here is Mollie supported Currency List, if your currency is not supported by Mollie, then this cms will charge them in USD as per your give conversation rate in currency settings.


Available Currency For Mollie

mollie payment gateway settings
  • Enable/Disable Mollie : you can enable/disable Mollie payment gateway in the cms.
  • Mollie Logo: you can set you selected Mollie logo, which will be shown in frontend for user to select payment gateway.
  • Mollie Public Key: enter Mollie Public Key, this is mandatory to work Mollie in this cms
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