Date: November 19th, 2024
Version: 3.1.0
[added] Category filter option added in main job page.
[added] Sub Category filter option added in main job page. Can filter using multiple subcategory.
[added] Category filter option added in main projects page.
[added] Sub Category filter option added in main projects page. Can filter using multiple subcategory.
[added] Register option added inside login modal while choose a subscription to buy.
[added] Chat message sender always set left and receiver always right.
[added] Add scroll to organize the sub categories on the account setup work section.
[added] Talents page multiple subcategory filter option added.
[added] Home page mobile device rtl responsive feature added.
[added] Project create/edit frontend and backend validation update similarly.
[added] User register first name last name. accent charecter support added.
[added] Project boxes not uniform for image size.
[added] Admin panel admin info update option added. Admin can change his own info.
[fix] Work subcategory show only selected not otheres (fix).
[fix] Project create/edit page css issue fix for sticky menu.
Date: October 14th, 2024
Version: 3.0.0
Note: After updating to the new version, admins must upgrade their database via the admin panel. This can be done by navigating to General Settings -> Database Upgrade.
1. Freelancer to Client profile switch (Admin can also disable profile switch option from admin panel Additional Settings)
2. Client to Freelancer profile switch (Admin can also disable profile switch option from admin panel Additional Settings)
3. Project and Job duration managing option in admin panel fully dynamic. If the admin does not configure dynamic data, default static values will be loaded automatically. (Job & Project Length - menu)
4. Experience level managing option in admin panel fully dynamic. If the admin does not configure dynamic data, default static values will be loaded automatically. (Experience Level - menu)
5. File Extension manage option in admin panel. (Additional Settings - menu)
6. File uploaded size manage option in admin panel. (Additional Settings - menu).
7. Frontend reviews pagination without page reload.
8. Xilancer projects boxes, not in uniform fix.
9. Freelancer bulk delete feature in admin panel.
10. Client bulk delete feature in admin panel.
11. All registered user email send option in admin panel. (previously only option fo subscribed users. both have dirrerent menu now)
12. Text search option all project page.
13. Text search option category project page.
14. Text search option sub category project page.
15. Text search option all job page.
16. Text search option category job page.
17. Text search option sub category job page.
18. Text search option skill job page.
19. Word break in chat message enhanced.
20. Profile switch enable disable option in admin panel.
21. Mobile app notification settings for file upload in admin panel. (Notification - menu)
22. Few other fixed and improvements
Date: September 3rd, 2024
Version: 2.9.0
HourlyJob Plugin Release (Premium Plugin)
1. Client can post jobs hourly basis.
2. Users can filter hourly jobs.
3. Client can set hourly rate and estimate hours.
4. Client can update hourly rate and estimate hours.
5. Client must have verify their hourly jobs amount in their wallet before create an hourly order.
6. Client can end contract at anytime.
7. Freelancer can see the payment verified or not before submit the order.
8. Freelancer can start time tracker from order details page.
9. Freelancer can add notes while save the each tracking time.
10. Freelancer can restore the tracking time if he is log out or close his tabbs on shout down his computer.
11. Freelancer can see the working history.
12. Also client can see the working history.
13. Client can update the each tracing time if he wish.
14. Client and freelancer both can see the realtime earning.
15. Admin can see all hourly jobs and their details.
16. Admin can active in active hourly jobs.
17. Admin can manage hourly jobs.
18. Admin can set minimum hours to so that client and freelancer can see the realtime earning.
CloudStorage plugin Update (Premium Plugin)
1. Chat image upload issue cloud server.
2. Render cloud image in profile details page.
3.Translate issue fix.
PromoteFreelancer plugin Update (Premium Plugin)
1. New addon for freelancer profile promotion.
2. Translate string in project length.
[fixed] Minor bug fixed
[fixed] minor styling issue fixed
Date: July 31st, 2024
Version: 2.8.0
[added] Blog category validation enhanced.
[added] Register re-captcha enable disable option added.
[added] Project Add/Edit meta title and meta description added.
[added] Job Add/Edit meta title and meta description added.
[added] User register first name last name link validation added. (accept only character and number).
[added] Promoted projects new addon added.
[added] View all button added for category projects and latest projects.
[added] Zip and Docx file upload feature in live chat
[added] Order description enable disable option added.
[added] Order milestone enable disable option added.
[added] Docx file support for job create, order submit, proposal send, chat, ticket etc.
[added] Bottom to top scroll animation added while click on pagination for jobs, category jobs, subcategory jobs, projects, category projects, subcategory projects.
[added] Job post docs file file upload feature.
[added] Docs file upload support for for proposal send.
[added] Kinetic pay gateway new added.
[added] AWD payment gateway new added.
[fixed] Complete order count fix for profile details page.
[fixed] Disable jobs client can create jos post issue fix.
[fixed] Compare package large text breakdown the cell border issue fix.
[fixed] When the symbol is placed next to the number, there should be a space fix this bug.
[fixed] Word break in jobs title enhanced.
Date: June 12th, 2024
Version: 2.6.0
[added] Register recaptcha settings in admin panel (page settings/register captcha settings).
[added] Recaptcha implements in register page.
[added] Header addon one button link change option.
[added] Header addon two button link chage option.
[added] For seo h1 tag implements for all public details page like project details, job details, blog details, subscription etc.
[added] Category meta title and meta description added in admin panel.
[added] Subcategory meta title and meta description added in admin panel.
[added] Category, Subcategory meta title, description render in all category pages like category projects, category jobs, subcategory
projects, subcategory jobs etc.
[added] Subscription enable-disable feature added.
[added] All jsvascript:void(0) replace with # for better seo.
[added] Blog add/edit tag validation added.
[added] Insert only number as a category name prevent with proper validation.
[added] Insert only number as a subcategory name prevent with proper validation.
[added] Freelancer can delete his custom offer before customer accept the offer.
[fixed] Media uploader delete file button not work admin panel fix.
Date: June 4th, 2024
Version: 2.5.0
[added] Added new home page.
[added] New header addon.
[added] New appstore addon for mobile app.
[added] Why choose us new addon.
[added] Latest project new addon.
[added] Explore projects category wise new addon.
[added] Explore jobs category wise new addon.
[added] Korean currency symbol change with new symbol customer requested.
[added] Download symbol down arrow icon add for all attachments.
[added] Enable disable decimal point settings added in payment info settings.
[fixed] Currency symbol position save issue fix.
Date: May 12th, 2024
Version: 2.4.0
[fixed] Validate send chat message from order details if project not found.
[fixed] Unseen message count issue fix.
[fixed] Paypal payment gateway issue fix.
[fixed] Project create and Job create admin notification issue fixed for translated language.
[added] Freelancer Promotional Plugin [Premium] support added
Date: April 22nd, 2024
Version: 2.3.0
[added] Send chat email while user offline (For this you must setup from admin panel)
[added] Chat email settings ( Additional Settings)
[fixed] Paytabs payment Issue fix
[fixed] Profile image size fixed
[fixed] Translate issue few words fix
[fixed] Content word break issue inside (blog, project, testimonial)
Date: March 11th, 2024
Version: 2.2.0
[fixed] Auto update caching issue fixed
Date: March 11th, 2024
Version: 2.1.0
[added] Rtl support added
[added] Invoice feature add (for complete order)
[added] Social login implement (You must configure before start social login in your system.)
[added] Translate dynamic value feature improvement
[added] Project auto approve enable/disable settings feature add.
[added] Profile update name charecter limit validation improvement
[added] Order reject feature added for orders those are queue but payment complete.
[added] Project/job/identity image size validation improvemrnt
[added] JOD currency add
[added] Id number support both charecter and number feature.
[added] Enable/disable display commission/ earnerd balance/pending amount in client panel
[added] Job and offer title charecter limitation improvemrnt.
[added] Social login option enable/disable option in login page settings.
[added] Multiple arrow show imporvement
[added] Forgot password feature for super admin
[added] Faq list in admin panel
[added] Push notification support for mobile app
[fixed] Order issue using paystack
[fixed] Order issue with wallet gateway solve
Date: February 20th, 2024
Version: 2.0.0
[added] News Letter add
[added] Registeer user two step validation check
[added] Each addon section color, padding top, padding bottom add dynamically (After update add padding and section color for each addon for home page and about us page)
[added] Failed order remove from client panel.
[added] Payment failed/order cancel page redesign.
[added]SMTP Test mail Error display with details.
[added]Long word breakline feature add for project details
[added] Long word breakline feature add for job details
[fixed] Client Logout from email verify page after register (bug fixed)
[added] Without select payment gateway order create multi step validation
[added] System Feedback reapprove feature add after freelancer reedit feedback.
[added] Reports
[added] Freelancer Dashboard only show funded order.
[added] Redirect freelancer profile page from chat box.
[added] Add KES Paystack gateway.
[added] Identity verification document dimenssion optional.
[added] Replace Accept and pay With Accept Order.
[added] Withdraw fee settings limit remove and add both fixed and percentage feature.
[added] Add terms and condition button before register.
[fixed] Disable animation css problem fix(bug fixed)
[fixed] Default payment gateway update.
[fixed] Manual payment payment status update but wallet balance does not update (fixed)
[fixed] all reported bugs has been fixed
Date: February 1st, 2024
Version: 1.1.2
[added] Add register welcome email
[added] Registration phone number real time validation feature enhance
[added] Slug generate in different language
[added] Hire rate calculation feature enhance
[added] Redirect all projects page after edit project
[added] Enhance package charge add feature (Additionally, to enhance the user interface, we recommend checking the switcher icon in the packages area. Updating each project via this method will not alter your existing data. It's purely a cosmetic update to provide a better design experience.)
[improvement] Password remove from register email send to admin
[improvement] Remove slider button text if no data available
[fixed] Request revision issue solve (bug)
Date: January 28th, 2024
Version: 1.1.1
[added] Register page settings update
[added] Integrations
[added] Top freelancer of the month text change option
[added] Site currency decimal separator
[added] Click on xilancer logo inside admin panel redirect to admin dashboard instead of homepage
[added] Language translate (Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Turkish)
[added] Home page animation enable-disable settings option (Additional Settings)
[added] Category jobs addon slider add
[added] Category projects slider add.
[improvement] State and city optional
[improvement] End date optional while edit freelancer work experience
[improvement] Update notice text inside admin panel above all tables
[fixed] Mobile device annoying animation remove
[fixed] Top projects addon design fix if only one project
[fixed] QR code issue fix for few servers
[fixed] Manual payment gateway active inactive issue fix
Date: January 18th, 2024
Version: 1.1.0
[added] Category project addon
[added] Category job addon
[added] Sticky menu settings admin panel (additional settings)
[added] Sticky menu add frondend.
[added] Freelancer verify badge add
[added] Client verify badge add
[added] Add new client from admin panel
[added] Add new freelancer from admin panel.
[added] Project enable disable option in admin panel (Additional settings)
[added] Job enable disable option in admin panel (Additional settings)
[added] Freelancer project list add to dashboard
[added] Client job list add to dashboard.
[added] Project reject reason option in admin panel
[added] Project reject notification to freelancer
[added] Freelancer feedback manage option admin panel (home page feedbacks)
[added] Freelancer feedback edit option (Profile Settings Page)
[improvement] Support ticket page design
[improvement] Testimonial slider button text change option
[improvement] Support ticket update notification (admin,client,freelancer)
[improvement] Support ticket details/first message display in admin panel.
[improvement] Display customer full name and order price of manual order while update payment status.
[improvement] Logo left alignment for mobile.
[improvement] Freelancer and Client redirect to their dashboard after login.
[improvement] Freelancer get back profile details page after create a project (where all projects display)
[fixed] Edit project delivery time bug fix
[fixed] Client pagination fix in admin panel.
[fixed] Register issue while mobile number is missing.
[fixed] Admin panel client search ui break down issue fix.
Date: January 1st, 2024
Version: 1.0.5
[added] Make Default Language
[added] User icon chat unread message remove while click
[added] Bottom to Top button settings option admin panel (Additional settings)
[fixed] Chat narrow box design fix
[fixed] User delete total job number count fix in admin dashboard
Date: December 28th, 2023
Version: 1.0.4
[fixed] Proposal send revision text issue
[fixed] Delete user issue
[fixed] Blog delete issue
[fixed] Language add copy default json
[fixed] check chat if no chat for a order
[added] Chat notification
[added] Chat sound add
[added] Section title fonts add new
[added] Project history design admin
[added] Job history design admin
[added] Header button text add
[added] Header shape image add
[added] Iyzipay Payment Gateway
Date: December 21th, 2023
Version: 1.0.3
[added] Check update issue fix.
[added] License issue fix
[added] Maintenance Page Issue fix
[added] Register Loader add
[added] Register real time validation add.
[added] Chat issue fix from client side
[added] Static pages option (Inside menu builder)
[added] Profile Details Page Update
[added] Blog and License permission add
[added] Permission seeder add
[added] Heade slider image change options add
Date: December 19th, 2023
Version: 1.0.2
[added] Talent Page with ajax filter and pagination
[added] Blog Module
[added] Page Loader enable disable in admin panel (Additional settings)
[added] Mouse Pointer enable disable in admin panel (Additional settings)
[fixed] Marcadopago payment gateway issue
[fixed] Midtrans payment gateway issue
[fixed] Translate string issue (admin panel)
[fixed] Manual payment gateway description store issue (admin panel)
[fixed] Chat issue from custom offer order
Date: December 6th, 2023
Version: 1.0.1
[added] Project wise global search
[added] Job wise global search
[added] One click update support added
[added] Freelancer job proposal page(new) with status(hired, shortlisted, interviewed, seen, not seen), ajax pagination.
[added] Freelancer dashboard
[added] Client dashboard
[fixed] Broken url (fix)